Digest emails can be set up for each user group. They collect unread concerns that have been added to the system over a period of time and send one email with multiple lines. This can be useful for staff that might need to see an overview of concerns that have come in but do not need to take action.
Find the user group you want to add digest emails for in the User Group section of Administration and open the notification settings section. Verify the concern categories you would like to receive digest emails for and toggle the 'Show in Digest Email' (*this will also toggle on the 'Show on Action Plan' as digests are made frm unread alerts)
The next step is to decide what time of day the digest email should be sent. On the User Group list you can see an option for Email Schedules.
Open Email Schedules and Add Email Schedule to set a new email time. You can change these later if needed or click on the bin icon to delete the schedule. You should remember to save the schedule before leaving the page to make sure the schedules are updated with the green save icon.
The email includes any unread concerns and how long ago they were posted. If you do not read the concern before the next time the digest email is delivered, it is displayed in the email.
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