When pupils move on to a new school it is important that you can share any safeguarding concerns with them.
There are a number of ways you can share information from Impero Backdrop.
Transferring to a school with a different digital safeguarding solution:
Request a report from edaware@imperosoftware.com - we need to know a list of pupils and the school they are attending.
You are informed when the report is ready and it is found in the Files and Data section, visible to the DSL user group. This can then be securely sent to the contact at the new school who will be able to arrange for the records to be imported.
Transferring to schools without a digital safeguarding solution:
Where schools do not have a digital system you will need to provide them with paper files. To prepare the full printable chronology, head to the child’s profile and select chronology from the menu. From the Report Options drop-down, you can select Full Chronology Printable. If appropriate you can click on the cross next to top-level categories to remove them from the report, for example, it may not be necessary to include First Aid. You can then click on Filter and the report is created.
You can then print by sending the web pages to a printer or saved as a PDF. It might be necessary to right-click and select Print from the menu pop-up. verify your printer settings if colour coded titles are not showing.
Reports should then be securely delivered to the new school.
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