If you have safeguarding responsibilities there may be times where you have received a concern that you would like to share with a staff member who would not normally have access to view concerns.
This can be done from the concern detail page and will mean that the staff member can view: the specific concern shared; the replies, comments and actions taken. They cannot access other concerns under the category type or other concerns related to the child or children tagged.
First, find the concern you would like to share and open the concern detail page.
Selecting Send Alert To from the action menu means that you can share the concern to a specific staff member, add a message regarding the concern and redact details from the concern before sending.
You can type search the staff members' name or select the appropriate people from the expanded group lists.
Any message sent along with the concern will be visible in the email alert so it is important to ensure it does not reveal confidential information.
Clicking on Send Alert triggers an email with the message and a link that takes the staff member to the concern. After this, the staff member can access the concern from the student profile or chronology.
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