User Management - allowing users to sign-in using alternatives to Google or Microsoft email addresses
EdPro Cloud previously provided the feature of logging in with your Microsoft or Google accounts only.
As organisations do not support Microsoft and Google accounts for their users, we have added a Login with Email Address feature. This will allow the Administrators to create accounts for the users using an email address provided and a password maintained from within EdPro Cloud Console.
- Login with Email Address can be switched on or off with a configuration setting.
- If it is enabled, then you will see an additional 'Sign in with Email' button in the Sign In Selection Page
- A user may request a Password Reset email, but they do not have an account management area to make any other changes.
- The User Management area of the cloud console will enable Administrators to create new users, force password changes, lock and unlock users and bulk import several new users at once.
Admin Users
The User Management functionality is available to all users who have Administrator privileges in the Cloud Console.
If you have the permissions, you will see “User management” as the last option in the main menu.
When you select “User Management” from the menu, you will see the main page for managing user accounts and passwords. Everything except Bulk Upload can be done from this page.
As you can see from below, the main list shows the email address and the status of each account. Each user is identified by only their email address. There is no facility to store full names.
The following statuses apply to the user accounts.
- Active – Everything is OK, and the user can login.
- Disabled – The account cannot be use. It has either been disabled by the administrator or the user failed to login correctly 3 times.
- Password reset pending – A new account has been added and the user will need to set their password by clicking on the link in the email sent to them. This could also happen if the administrator has forced a password reset on the users due to a security issue.
Selecting Users and Applying Actions
To the left of the emails you can see the checkboxes for selecting users.
The checkbox in the header will allow you to select or deselect all users at once.
The Buttons to the left will carry out the actions upon the selected users.
- 'Disable Users' will stop all the selected users from signing in or requesting a password reset.
- 'Enable User' will allow the selected users to sign in or select a password reset (after they have been disabled by the administrator or have failed to sign in correctly three times in a row).
- 'Reset Password' will send a password reset email to the selected users. This will stop them from signing in with their existing password. The user must change their password within 24 hours.
Adding A Single User
The administrator can add a single user at a time, by entering the new email address in the field highlighted below and clicking on the “Add User” button.
- There is no option to add a password for this user.
- The user will be sent an email with a reset password link. Clicking on this link will take them to the standard Password Reset page, which will allow them to enter their initial password.
- There are no rules for the characters that must be included, but the password should be between 8 and 72 characters in length.
Bulk Import of Users
It is possible to import a number of user emails and passwords from a text file in one action to aid with the setup of a new system.
- The file should be a normal text file with one email address and password on each line, separated by a comma.
- The Import page is shown below
A valid import file looks like this:, tomcat99, OwlIceCream
The file below is invalid because of the missing password and will display the message “Invalid CSV File”, tomcat99, OwlIceCream
Note: The file must end on the line of the last password.
If you press Enter on the last line and create blank line at the bottom, the file will become invalid.
When the file has imported it will show the users added and those that were already imported. If a user has already been imported, then it is ignored.
This means that you can re-import the same file with no ill effects if you need to edit it and try again. This is shown below.
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