Education Pro for Android is a mobile application offered by Impero as an additional client platform for Education Pro. The mobile application can be installed on any Android device running version 5.0 or greater.
The application is a managed web browser that connects with the Impero Server. All web activity is collected and logged on the Server and can be viewed from the Impero Console in the same way other device clients show web activity.
When the app is open a live view of what the user can see in the web browser is sent to the Impero Console and can be viewed in the thumbnail or single device view.
The application supports advanced policies and will block web pages if block policies are configured. In addition it supports screen captures and will take full screenshots and send them to the Impero Server based on enabled managed policies or manually created ones.
If your Impero Server is connected to Active Directory then login with AD credentials can be enabled on the Server. This will force users to sign into the app using their Active Directory username and password in order to gain access to the Internet. Once signed in with you AD credentials any logging of activity or triggered screen captures will automatically be logged against the signed in user so we can determine who did what.
Click here to find the Education Pro for Android on the Google Play Store.
Device Requirements
• Minimum Android version – 5.0
• Access to Wi-Fi.
• Network permissions (might be requested on install or first device start-up.
Impero Server Requirements
• Impero Education Pro version 8.5.54
• Inside Impero server settings there’s an option to Enable or Disable Log in on Android devices. This setting will either require the user to log in (using AD Credentials) if checked. If not checked it will allow the user to access the browser without logging in.
Feature list
- User tracking (who is using the device with time stamps – if AD exists for your organisation)
- Grouping
- Monitoring
- Live screen view
- Captures
- Consuming policies
- Managed policies
- Applied policies
- Page Blocking
- Disable Internet
- Tab Control
- Close tab
- Focus tab
- Run Website
- Send Message
How to install Education Pro on Android devices
1. On the Android device, navigate to the Play Store.
2. Search for Education Pro.
3. Click on Install.
4. Once installed, run the application. You can be prompted to accept the permissions (the application does NOT work without accepting the permissions – if asked).
5. On the first install you are required to specify the server address and click on the 'Save' button. You are then required to click on the 'Close App' Button.
6. The splash screen is displayed, followed by a connecting to server page.
7. You then land on the Log-In screen or the main page (this is dependent on the server settings established at the start of this section).
10. The device is now set up and ready to be used by an end-user.
Pushing Server address via MDM
When deploying managed configurations via an MDM (Mobile Device Management) Solution you are required to provide a managed config key/id and a value. To set the Impero Server address for the android device to connect to, you can enter the below key/value pairs.
• The key value pairs are case sensitive.
• KEY = imperoServerAddressKey
• Value (string) = ie (
This enables you to mass deploy the app across your organisation.
• Can’t connect to the Impero server.
o Make sure that the server IP address is entered correctly without spaces between the points “.”
o Make sure that return/enter is pressed after specifying the server address
o Try restarting the app after changing the server IP address in the native settings
o Make sure that the Impero Server is running.
• Getting logs.
There are three ways of getting logs inside the Education Pro Android app:
o On the Log-In screen (Location: Bottom of the screen).
o Inside the Main menu page (location: Bottom right of screen).
o Inside the browser page. Type “about/logs” in the url entry bar and save them to the device or share accordingly.
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