At the end of the academic year some children will leave the school and others progress up to the next year group.
As there is no MIS connection in Impero back:drop this can be done manually by the school.
First, you need to update the permissions for the user group that is responsible for moving the students into the next year or Leavers.
Head to Administration then User Groups and Permissions for the group you need to update. Permission to move children can be found under the Administration section. Make sure the box is checked and save to update the settings.
Move Children is also found in the Administration tab. Click on Move Children and the page displays all the groups in your school and the different actions you can take.
Start by updating the groups that have now left the school. This clears the way for the next students to populate the year group. Select Mark children as Leavers from the action drop-down menu. You will notice the next column remains greyed out as these students will be added to the archive rather than a new group.
When you click on Mark as Leavers the students will be emptied from their current group and added to Leavers. You will see confirmation that this action has been successful.
Now you can start moving students into their new groups, starting with the group that will be filling the place of the Leavers.
Select Move children to another group from the Action drop-down menu and the group the students should be moved to in the next column. When you click Move Children the students will be moved into the new group and you will see confirmation the action has been completed successfully.
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