You can add medication permissions to a child's file so that you can keep staff members informed of any medical needs, and also keep an administration log for each medicine.
Find the profile of the child you wish to add a medication permission for and click on Medication Permission in the left-hand menu.
This brings up the medication permissions form.
Here, you can add all the relevant details of the required medication, such as the name, dosage, and type of medication, as well as a copy of the permission note signed by the child's parent or guardian. If you are using a mobile device or tablet you can add a digital signature.
Make sure you select Active if it is medication currently being taken.
You can also add the expiry date on the medication in question and choose a member of staff to be alerted before the medication expires.
Once saved, the medication will now appear in the left-hand menu on the child's profile under Medication Permissions, along with an administration log to record when the child has received their medication. If the child no longer requires the medication you can edit this and mark the medication as inactive.
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