In v6.4 Education Pro will include a brand new Microsoft signed display driver for Windows 10. When using the blank screen function in the Impero console, our new driver will turn off the target computers screen. This allows for teachers or admins to remote on and access devices without the end-user observing what is being done.
This driver is designed to work with Windows 10 only. Windows 7 and Windows 8 retain the original functionality of blank screen from the previous release
Known issues and workarounds
During BETA for v6.4, some issues were identified related to the new Windows display driver for Blank screen.
Issue 1 – Brightness control disabled on certain laptop models
Issue 2 – Fatal system error (BSOD) on some Virtual environments running Windows 10 x86 operating systems (32bit)
The following Registry key can be added to Windows to resolve both these Issues:
64bit Reg Key (x64)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Impero Solutions Ltd\ImperoV3
32bit Reg Key (x86)
Now add the following String Value:
Right-click and modify value data to the following:
Adding these Reg Keys will disable the new display driver, restoring the older functionality and resolve both issues.
The above will only take effect after the Impero client service or the machine is restarted.
.REG File
You might find it easier to run a .REG file which contains the following lines:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Impero Solutions Ltd\ImperoV3]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Impero Solutions Ltd\ImperoV3]
* Based on customer feedback, the machines may need to be restarted a couple of times before the original drivers and brightness controls return.
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